Revealing Nara’s Lesser-Known Gems
Travel, Nara Prefecture Cheyenne Haney Travel, Nara Prefecture Cheyenne Haney

Revealing Nara’s Lesser-Known Gems

When adding Nara Prefecture into their itinerary, many travelers tend to concentrate on the regions surrounding Nara Park. Exploring Todaiji and feeding the deer are highlights for people and rightly so. However, did you know that the rural areas of the prefecture have numerous sights and fun activities as well?

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Behind the Filters: 5 Insta-Fails in Japan
Travel Cheyenne Haney Travel Cheyenne Haney

Behind the Filters: 5 Insta-Fails in Japan

Discover the truth behind Japan's very popular Instagram destinations in my latest blog post. I share the disappointing reality of 5 places that didn't live up to the social media hype and delve into the reasons behind their lackluster experiences. Learn valuable lessons for your future travels in Japan.

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